Merit Badges


Merit Badges must be earned as part of rank advancement. Each rank requires a certain number of Merit Badges completed. There is no time limit for starting and completing a merit badge, but all work must be completed by the time a Scout turns 18.

A total of 21 merit badges must be earned for the Eagle Scout rank. Thirteen are REQUIRED for Eagle Scout, the remaining 8 optional badges may be for any of the over 135 subjects available. 

13 REQUIRED merit badges

First Aid

Citizenship in the Community

Citizenship in the Nation

Citizenship in the World



Personal Fitness

Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving

Environmental Science OR Sustainability

Personal Management

Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling


Family Life.

A Scout may not “double dip”. If an activity is being utilized for rank advancement that same activity may not be utilized toward Merit Badge completion (Example: If the Scout is the lead cook for breakfast & lunch on a camping trip and this is needed to advance from Tenderfoot to Second class; he may not also use these 2 meals toward completion of his cooking Merit Badge. )

The Troop Master webpage is used by Advancement Chairs to keep track of Scout achievements (Rank Advancement, Merit Badges and Service Hours). We strongly encourage Scouts and Parents to verify things are entered correctly.

All available Merit Badges & the requirements may be found at: 

FREE Merit Badge Books can be found at


Earning a Merit Badge

  1. Get approval from unit leader

  1. Work on Merit Badges individually. 

    1. Contact certified counselor. (Info obtained from Merit Badge Coordinator)

    2. Fill out worksheets found on-line

    3. Review with a certified counselor. 

  1. Attend Merit Badge Universities (MBU’s) 

    1. May be completed in one day.

    2. Several each year

    3. Sign up early before classes fill up

  1. Virtual Merit Badge Classes

    1. New method developed during COVID-19

    2. Merit Badge Counselors nationwide expand offerings

    3. Some are at your own pace on Google Classroom, others lesson time-based via Zoom

  1. Receive & Log Blue Card

    1. Notify or send copy to Merit Badge Coordinator

    2. Verify updates in Troopmaster

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